Gakusen Toshi Asterisk Wiki

Priscila Urzaiz (プリシラ・ウルサイス) is Irene Urzaiz's younger sister and a student of Rewolf Black Institute.


Priscilla has dark red hair in twin braids. She wears the Rewolf Black Institute girls uniform.


Priscilla is kind hearted and watchful over her sister and even those she has just met. Even though she is the younger sister she is the more mature one, making Irene apoligize for provoking a fight, and being the one who cooks for Irene. She wanted to be useful to her sister in any way possible as thanks for always treasuring her. After their loss at the Festa she pledged that she wanted to become strong to fight alongside her sister and even surpass her power. Unlike most of the others at Re-Wolf she does not have a deliquent or rough personality.

She is a stellar student with excellent grades. She is gently but adaptable and is steel-willed.


When her status as a Regenerative Strega was discovered, Priscilla was about to be sold to Allekant by her parents, and, as a desperate effort to save her, Irene, her older sister, tried to escape with her. They were soon found by Dirk, who agreed to save them as long as Irene worked for him. This led to Irene accruing a large debt that she had to payback in exchange.

Before joining the Phoenix Festa with Irene, she was a complete unknown having never competed in a formal duel and thus their was no data on her.


Strega (魔女): Priscilla is a rare regenerative type Strega that is able to heal herself over time by regenerating anything lost. While she can regenerate, if something like her blood is taken in large quantities over a short period of time, she can still die.

Skilled Fighter: After training under Xinglou, Priscilla has become much stronger despite being ranked at the bottom, becoming capable of fending off Sylvia's attacks in her song enhanced state by using her club lux and her strega ability, impressing the former.

Lux: Priscilla wields a club lux after her training under Xinglou.

Genestellar (星脈世代): As a Genestellar, Priscilla has enhanced physical ability and an aura known as prana.


Irene Urzaiz[]

The two are very close sisters, who are widely dependent on the other, as can be seen in their tag team fights. They also are room-mates, and have a strong bond with each taking care of the other in their own way.

Ayato Amagiri[]

After he saved her, she viewed his positively and was greatful for his assistance. She acted kind and friendly towards him, and clarified the situation to her sister.


  • According to the author, Priscilla's birthday is September 6th.
  • She's a good cook.

